Converting Perl to Go
I bought a JetBrains AI Pro subscription to test out the 'AI Assistant' feature.

For my first project I wanted to see how it would do with converting between programming languages, I'm neither an expert at Perl nor Go. So I decided to have it convert an existing Perl script to a Go application and also generate the documentation.
For the Perl part a chose an old Naemon script from the nagios-plugins-2-4-12 package. I took the SSL Certificate Checker.
This is the Perl script.
#! /usr/bin/perl
# nagios: -epn
# Complete (?) check for valid SSL certificate
# Originally by Anders Nordby ([email protected]), 2015-02-16
# Copied with permission on 2019-09-26 (
# and modified to fit the needs of the nagios-plugins project.
# Copyright: GPLv2
# Checks all of the following:
# Fetch SSL certificate from URL (on optional given host)
# Does the certificate contain our hostname?
# Has the certificate expired?
# Download (and cache) CRL
# Has the certificate been revoked?
use Getopt::Std;
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
use File::Basename;
use Crypt::X509;
use Date::Parse;
use Date::Format qw(ctime);
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use LWP::Simple;
use Text::Glob qw(match_glob);
use Getopt::Long;
"h" => \$opt_h, "help" => \$opt_h,
"d" => \$opt_d, "debug" => \$opt_d,
"o" => \$opt_o, "ocsp" => \$opt_o,
"ocsp-host=s" => \$opt_ocsp_host,
"C=s" => \$opt_C, "crl-cache-frequency=s" => \$opt_C,
"I=s" => \$opt_I, "ip=s" => \$opt_I,
"p=i" => \$opt_p, "port=i" => \$opt_p,
"H=s" => \$opt_H, "cert-hostname=s" => \$opt_H,
"w=i" => \$opt_w, "warning=i" => \$opt_w,
"c=i" => \$opt_c, "critical=i" => \$opt_c,
"t" => \$opt_t, "timeout" => \$opt_t
my $chainfh, $chainfile, $escaped_tempfile, $ocsp_status;
sub usage {
print "check_ssl_validity -H <cert hostname> [-I <IP/host>] [-p <port>]\n[-t <timeout>] [-w <expire warning (days)>] [-c <expire critical (dats)>]\n[-C (CRL update frequency in seconds)] [-d (debug)] [--ocsp] [--ocsp-host]\n";
print "\nWill look for hostname provided with -H in the certificate, but will contact\n";
print "server with host/IP provided by -I (optional)\n";
sub updatecrl {
my $url = shift;
my $fn = shift;
my $content = get($url);
if (defined($content)) {
if (open(CACHE, ">$cachefile")) {
print CACHE $content;
} else {
doexit(2, "Could not open file $fn for writing CRL temp file for cert on $host:$port.");
} else {
doexit(2, "Could not download CRL Distribution Point URL $url for cert on $hosttxt.");
sub ckserial {
return if ($crserial eq "");
if ($serial eq $crserial) {
if ($crrev ne "") {
$crrevtime = str2time($crrev);
$revtime = $crrevtime-$uxtime;
if ($revtime < 0) {
doexit(2, "Found certificate for $vhost on CRL $crldp revoked already at date $crrev");
} elsif (($revtime/86400) < $crit) {
doexit(2, "Found certificate for $vhost on CRL $crldp revoked at date $crrev, within critical time frame $crit");
} elsif (($revtime/86400) < $warn) {
doexit(1, "Found certificate for $vhost on CRL $crldp revoked at date $crrev, within warning time frame $warn");
doexit(1, "Found certificate for $vhost on CRL $crldp revoked $crrev. Time to check the revokation date");
usage unless ($opt_H);
# Defaults
if ($opt_p) {
$port = $opt_p;
} else {
$port = 443;
if ($opt_t) {
$tmout = $opt_t;
} else {
$tmout = 10;
if ($opt_C) {
$crlupdatefreq = $opt_C;
} else {
$crlupdatefreq = 86400;
$vhost = $opt_H;
if ($opt_I) {
$host = $opt_I;
} else {
$host = $vhost;
$hosttxt = "$host:$port";
if ($opt_w && $opt_w =~ /^\d+$/) {
$warn = $opt_w;
} else {
$warn = 30;
if ($opt_c && $opt_c =~ /^\d+$/) {
$crit = $opt_c;
} else {
$crit = 30;
sub doexit {
my $ret = shift;
my $txt = shift;
if ($ret == 0) {
print "OK: ";
elsif ($ret == 1) {
print "WARNING: ";
elsif ($ret == 2) {
print "CRITICAL: ";
else {
print "UNKNOWN: ";
print "$txt\n";
$alldata = "";
$cert = "";
$mode = 0;
open(CMD, "echo | openssl s_client -servername $vhost -connect $host:$port 2>&1 |");
while (<CMD>) {
$alldata .= $_;
if ($mode == 0) {
if (/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/) {
$cert .= $_;
$mode = 1;
} elsif ($mode == 1) {
$cert .= $_;
if (/-----END CERTIFICATE-----/) {
$mode = 2;
$ret = $?;
if ($ret != 0) {
$alldata =~ s@\n@ @g;
$alldata =~ s@\s+$@@;
doexit(2, "Error connecting to $hosttxt: $alldata");
} elsif ($cert eq "") {
doexit(2, "No certificate found on $hosttxt");
} else {
($tmpfh,$tempfile) = tempfile(DIR=>'/tmp',UNLINK=>0);
doexit(2, "Failed to open temp file: $!") unless (defined($tmpfh));
$dercert = `openssl x509 -in $tempfile -outform DER 2>&1`;
$ret = $?;
if ($ret != 0) {
$dercert =~ s@\n@ @g;
$dercert =~ s@\s+$@@;
doexit(2, "Could not convert certificate from PEM to DER format: $dercert");
$decoded = Crypt::X509->new( cert => $dercert );
if ($decoded->error) {
doexit(2, "Could not parse X509 certificate on $hosttxt: " . $decoded->error);
$oktxt = "";
$cn = $decoded->subject_cn;
if ($opt_d) { print "Found CN: $cn\n"; }
if ($vhost eq $decoded->subject_cn) {
$oktxt .= "Host $vhost matches CN $vhost on $hosttxt ";
} elsif ($decoded->subject_cn =~ /^.*\.(.*)$/) {
$wcdomain = $1;
$domain = $vhost;
$domain =~ s@^[\w\-]+\.@@;
if ($domain eq $wcdomain) {
$oktxt .= "Host $vhost matches wildcard CN " . $decoded->subject_cn . " on $hosttxt ";
if ($oktxt eq "") {
# Cert not yet found
if (defined($decoded->SubjectAltName)) {
# Check altnames
$altfound = 0;
foreach $altnametxt (@{$decoded->SubjectAltName}) {
if ($altnametxt =~ /^dNSName=(.*)/) {
$altname = $1;
if ($opt_d) { print "Found SAN: $altname\n"; }
if (match_glob($altname, $vhost)) {
$altfound = 1;
$oktxt .= "Host $vhost found in SAN on $hosttxt ";
if ($altfound == 0) {
doexit(2, "Host $vhost not found in certificate on $hosttxt, not in CN or in alternative names");
} else {
doexit(2, "Host $vhost not found in certificate on $hosttxt, not in CN and no alternative names found");
# Check expire time
$uxtimegmt = strftime "%s", gmtime;
$uxtime = strftime "%s", localtime;
$certtime = $decoded->not_after;
$certdays = ($certtime-$uxtimegmt)/86400;
$certdaysfmt = sprintf("%.1f", $certdays);
if ($certdays < 0) {
doexit(2, "${oktxt}but it is expired ($certdaysfmt days)");
} elsif ($certdays < $crit) {
doexit(2, "${oktxt}but it is expiring in only $certdaysfmt days, critical limit is $crit.");
} elsif ($certdays < $warn) {
doexit(1, "${oktxt}but it is expiring in only $certdaysfmt days, warning limit is $warn.");
$serial = $decoded->serial;
$serial = lc(sprintf("%x", $serial));
if ($opt_d) {
print "Certificate serial: $serial\n";
if ($opt_o) {
# Do OCSP instead of CRL checking
$ocsp_uri = `openssl x509 -noout -ocsp_uri -in $tempfile`;
$ocsp_uri =~ s/\s+$//;
($chainfh,$chainfile) = tempfile(DIR=>'/tmp',UNLINK=>0);
# Get the certificate chain
$chain_raw = `echo "Q" | openssl s_client -servername $vhost -connect $host:$port -showcerts 2>/dev/null`;
$mode = 0;
for(split /^/, $chain_raw) {
if (/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/) {
$mode += 1;
# Skip the first certificate returned
if ($mode > 1) {
$chain_processed .= $_;
if (/-----END CERTIFICATE-----/) {
if ($mode > 1) {
$mode -= 1;
$ocsp_cache = md5_hex($chain_processed);
$ocsp_cache_file = dirname(__FILE__) . "/ssl_validity_data_" . $ocsp_cache;
open(OCSP_CACHE, $ocsp_cache_file);
while (my $line = <OCSP_CACHE>) {
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ /[0-9]+/) {
$next_update_time = $line;
$current_time = time();
if ($current_time < $next_update_time) {
# Use cached result
$next_update_time_str = ctime($next_update_time);
chomp $next_update_time_str;
$ocsp_status = "good (cached until $next_update_time_str)";
else {
# Time to update
$cmd = "openssl ocsp -issuer $chainfile -verify_other $chainfile -cert $tempfile -url $ocsp_uri -text";
if ($opt_ocsp_host) {
$cmd .= " -header \"Host\" \"$opt_ocsp_host\"";
open(CMD, $cmd . " 2>/dev/null |");
$escaped_tempfile = $tempfile;
$escaped_tempfile =~ s/([\\\|\(\)\[\]\{\}\^\$\*\+\?\.])/\1/g;
$ocsp_status = "unknown";
while (<CMD>) {
if ($_ =~ s/Next Update: (.*)/$1/) {
$next_update_time = str2time($_);
if ($_ =~ s/$escaped_tempfile: (.*)/$1/) {
$ocsp_status = $_;
if ($ocsp_status =~ /good/) {
open(OCSP_CACHE, ">", $ocsp_cache_file);
print OCSP_CACHE $next_update_time;
my $exit_code = 2;
if ($ocsp_status =~ /good/) {
$exit_code = 0;
doexit($exit_code, "$oktxt; OCSP responder ($ocsp_uri) says certificate is $ocsp_status");
else {
# Do CRL-based checking
@crldps = @{$decoded->CRLDistributionPoints};
$crlskip = 0;
foreach $crldp (@crldps) {
if ($opt_d) {
print "Checking CRL DP $crldp.\n";
$cachefile = "/tmp/" . md5_hex($crldp) . "_crl.tmp";
if (-f $cachefile) {
$cacheage = $uxtime-(stat($cachefile))[9];
if ($cacheage > $crlupdatefreq) {
if ($opt_d) { print "Download update, more than a day old.\n"; }
updatecrl($crldp, $cachefile);
} else {
if ($opt_d) { print "Reusing cached copy.\n"; }
} else {
if ($opt_d) { print "Download initial copy.\n"; }
updatecrl($crldp, $cachefile);
$crl = "";
my $format;
open(my $cachefile_io, '<', $cachefile);
$format = <$cachefile_io> =~ /-----BEGIN X509 CRL-----/ ? 'PEM' : 'DER';
close $cachefile_io;
open(CMD, "openssl crl -inform $format -text -in $cachefile -noout 2>&1 |");
while (<CMD>) {
$crl .= $_;
$ret = $?;
if ($ret != 0) {
$crl =~ s@\n@ @g;
$crl =~ s@\s+$@@;
doexit(2, "Could not parse $format from URL $crldp while checking $hosttxt: $crl");
# Crude CRL parsing goes here
$mode = 0;
foreach $cline (split(/\n/, $crl)) {
if ($cline =~ /.*Next Update: (.+)/) {
$nextup = $1;
$nextuptime = str2time($nextup);
$crlvalid = $nextuptime-$uxtime;
if ($opt_d) { print "Next CRL update: $nextup\n"; }
if ($crlvalid < 0) {
doexit(2, "Could not use CRL from $crldp, it expired past next update on $nextup");
} elsif ($cline =~ /.*Last Update: (.+)/) {
$lastup = $1;
if ($opt_d) { print "Last CRL update: $lastup\n"; }
} elsif ($mode == 0) {
if ($cline =~ /.*Serial Number: (\S+)/i) {
$crserial = lc($1);
$crrev = "";
} elsif ($cline =~ /.*Revocation Date: (.+)/i) {
$crrev = $1;
} elsif ($cline =~ /Signature Algorithm/) {
if (-f $tempfile) {
unlink ($tempfile);
$oktxt =~ s@\s+$@@;
print "$oktxt, still valid for $certdaysfmt days. ";
if ($crlskip == 0) {
print "Serial $serial not found on any Certificate Revokation Lists.\n";
} else {
print "CRL checks skipped, next check in " . ($crlupdatefreq - $cacheage) . " seconds.\n";
exit 0;
This is the converted Go application from the Perl script.
package main
import (
// main is the entry point for the program, handling SSL certificate validity checks for a specified host and port.
func main() {
// Define command-line parameters
var (
host string
port int
warningDays int
criticalDays int
timeout int
flag.StringVar(&host, "H", "", "Hostname to check")
flag.IntVar(&port, "p", 443, "Port to connect to (default: 443)")
flag.IntVar(&warningDays, "w", 30, "Warning threshold in days (default: 30)")
flag.IntVar(&criticalDays, "c", 15, "Critical threshold in days (default: 15)")
flag.IntVar(&timeout, "t", 1000, "Connection timeout in milliseconds (default: 1000)")
if host == "" {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Usage: -H <hostname> [-p <port>] [-w <warning days>] [-c <critical days>] [-t <timeout>]")
// Establish a connection with timeout
address := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", host, port)
dialer := &net.Dialer{Timeout: time.Duration(timeout) * time.Millisecond}
conn, err := tls.DialWithDialer(dialer, "tcp", address, &tls.Config{ServerName: host})
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "CRITICAL: Could not connect to %s (%v)\n", address, err)
defer conn.Close()
// Fetch the certificate
cert := conn.ConnectionState().PeerCertificates[0]
// Validate hostname
err = cert.VerifyHostname(host)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "CRITICAL: Hostname verification failed for %s (%v)\n", host, err)
// Check expiration
timeRemaining := cert.NotAfter.Sub(time.Now())
daysRemaining := int(timeRemaining.Hours() / 24)
if daysRemaining < 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "CRITICAL: Certificate for %s expired %d days ago.\n", host, -daysRemaining)
} else if daysRemaining < criticalDays {
fmt.Printf("CRITICAL: Certificate for %s expires in %d days.\n", host, daysRemaining)
} else if daysRemaining < warningDays {
fmt.Printf("WARNING: Certificate for %s expires in %d days.\n", host, daysRemaining)
fmt.Printf("OK: Certificate for %s is valid, expires in %d days.\n", host, daysRemaining)
This is really impressive, it ignored some parts like the OCSP/CRL checks, but it did also warn me that the input length was large, I could have easily done another iteration with the AI Assistant to fully complete the conversion.
For me, this is a real nice way of working with new programming languages and to avoid getting stuck with syntax or other minor details, and it can also explain syntax that might seem confusing at first.
The generated documentation was also impressive, it included all the steps to build the application and its usage, I also prompted it to add more details for creating a statically linked binary, remove debugging symbols. It delivered to 100% and more, even mentioned that to further reduce the binary size you could UPX pack the binary.
All in all, I think this project took me about 45 minutes from start to finish, it could have been completed much faster, but there was no hurry.
You can find the converted project here:
A big 👍 to AI Assistant.